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How I Healed My Anxiety Without Drugs?

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Healed Anxiety Drugs

Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check

If you’re one of the millions of Americans with anxiety, you may be searching for ways to feel better without resorting to medication. While there’s no cure for anxiety, there are things you can do to keep your symptoms under control. One important thing to keep in mind is the role that blood sugar plays in anxiety.

Anxiety and blood sugar are closely linked because when your blood sugar drops, it can cause feelings of anxiousness and panic. To keep your blood sugar in check and your anxiety at bay, it’s important to eat regular meals and snacks throughout the day. Avoid sugary foods and drinks as well as caffeine, which can all contribute to low blood sugar levels.

In addition to watching what you eat, regular exercise is also key in keeping your blood sugar levels stable. Exercise helps to regulate insulin levels in the body and can also reduce stress, which can trigger anxiety symptoms. If you’re not used to exercising regularly, start slowly with just a few minutes a day and build up from there.

Stress is another major factor that can contribute to both high blood sugar levels and anxiety. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, take some time for yourself each day to relax and de-stress. Try activities like yoga or meditation, or simply take a few deep breaths and focus on positive thoughts.

Avoid Stimulants

Anxiety is a normal emotion that everyone experiences at one point or another. It’s what you feel when you’re nervous about an upcoming event, such as a job interview, or when you’re worried about something in your life, such as your finances. While anxiety can be beneficial in some situations-it can help motivate you to take action and be more alert-it can also be debilitating. When anxiety is constant and overwhelming, it can interfere with your daily life and make it difficult to function.

If you suffer from anxiety, you may be tempted to self-medicate with alcohol or drugs. However, this is not a healthy solution and can actually make your anxiety worse in the long run. Stimulants like caffeine and nicotine can trigger anxiety symptoms or make them worse. And while alcohol may initially help you relax, it’s a depressant that can eventually contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety.

The best way to deal with anxiety is to address the underlying causes head-on. If stress at work is making you anxious, talk to your boss about ways to reduce your workload or change your job responsibilities. If financial worries are keeping you up at night, sit down with a budget and figure out a plan for getting back on track. You may also want to consider therapy or medication if lifestyle changes alone aren’t enough to manage your anxiety disorder.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of present moment awareness. It is a form of meditation that can be practiced anywhere at any time. The goal of mindfulness is to bring your attention to the present moment and observe your thoughts and feelings without judgement.

There are many benefits of mindfulness, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood, and increasing focus and concentration. Mindfulness can be practiced by anyone, regardless of their religion or belief system.

There are many ways to practice mindfulness. One way is to focus on your breath. Simply sit or lie down in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Begin to pay attention to your breath as it enters and leaves your body. If your mind begins to wander, gently bring it back to focus on your breath. You can also try focusing on a mantra or word that you repeat to yourself silently as you breathe.

Another way to practice mindfulness is through mindful eating. When you eat mindfully, you are aware of each bite that you take and the flavors and textures that you experience. You may also want to pay attention to how your body feels after eating certain foods – do they make you feel energized or sluggish? Paying attention in this way can help you make more mindful choices about what foods work best for you physically and emotionally.

There are many other ways to practice mindfulness – walking mindfully, listening mindfully, even washing the dishes mindfully! The key is simply paying attention to whatever activity you’re doing in the present moment, without judgement or attachment.:).


Exercise has been shown to be an extremely effective treatment for anxiety. It helps to release endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects, and it also reduces stress hormones like cortisol. Additionally, exercise can help to improve sleep quality and reduce overall fatigue, both of which can contribute to feelings of anxiety.

Do What You Enjoy

It’s simple, really. When you do something you enjoy, your brain releases chemicals that make you feel good. Endorphins are one example of these happy-making chemicals, and they’re responsible for the “runner’s high” that exercisers often experience.

But endorphins aren’t the only brain chemicals involved in feeling good. Serotonin and dopamine are two others that play a role in our happiness and well-being. And what do all three of these have in common? They can all be increased by doing things we enjoy!

So if you’re looking for a natural way to boost your mood and improve your mental health, do what you enjoy! Here are some ideas to get you started:

1) Exercise: As mentioned above, exercise can increase endorphins as well as serotonin levels in the brain. But it doesn’t have to be strenuous exercise to have benefits – even moderate activity can help. So go for a walk, ride your bike, or take a yoga class – anything that gets you moving and feels good!

2) Spend time with loved ones: Human connection is essential for happiness, so make sure to spend quality time with the people who matter most to you. Whether it’s going on a date with your partner or having coffee with a friend, simply being around loved ones can boost your mood naturally.