The Strawberry is called ‘the queen of fruits” In Asian countries because it’s packed with health benefits. Compared to fruits like apples, oranges or bananas, strawberries have the highest amount of nutrients.
Sweet, juicy strawberries, with their vibrant red color, can brighten up the flavor and look of any meal. They are not only delicious, they are low in fat and calories, a good source of fiber and contain antioxidants, which protect the human body from cellular damage caused by free radicals.
Health Benefits of Strawberries
1. Protect Your Heart
A Harvard study published in January links eating berries to a lower risk of heart attacks among younger women. The study followed women 25 to 42 who ate more than 3 (1/2-cup) servings of strawberries and/or blueberries each week over an 18-year span. The findings? These women had a 34 percent reduced risk of heart attack compared to those who ate less than one serving per week. Researchers point to the berries’ anthocyanin content as the protective factor. Tip for picking: The reddest berries have the most anthocyanins.
2. Relieves Constipation
Strawberries are fairly rich in fibre (100g meets 8% RDA of fibre). They can be included in diet to boost digestive health and regulate bowel movement. The fibre content adds bulk to stool, allowing its easy passage through the colon, thereby reducing the overall transit time.
3. Anti-cancer
Strawberry is included in the list of top “superfoods” that help lower cancer death rates. This is because of the very high content of various anti-oxidants with flavonoids that work synergistically and more powerfully against oxidation and preventing damages caused by free radicals in our body.
4. Boosts Immunity
Strawberries are excellent source of Vitamin C. Needless to say, this boosts your immunity and helps your body fight infection. One serving of strawberries is said to contain so much Vitamin C that it meets half of your daily requirement.
5. Bone Health
Strawberries are high in potassium, and high-potassium diets have been shown to reduce bone loss by preserving calcium stores and preventing the breakdown of bone that comes with age.
Strawberries have biotin, which helps build strong hair and nails. Strawberries also contain the antioxidant ellagic acid, which protects the elastic fibers in our skin to help prevent sagging.
7. Weight Loss
Strawberries contain a compound called nitrate that has positive effects on blood flow and oxygen around the body. Nitrate stops muscles from becoming too tired after exercise.
8. Anti-inflammatory
Anthocyanidin is a unique flavonoid that makes strawberries a very powerful protector against inflammatory conditions such as asthma, gout, artherosclerosis, arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. At the same time it protects against intestinal bleeding.
9. Boosts Short-Term Memory
We will spare you from the science lesson, but just this point alone should be sufficient to make you want to eat strawberries, yes? The anthocyanins boost short term memory by 100 percent in eight weeks. (The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry)
10. Promote Eye Health
Eating three or more servings of fruit like strawberries may lower the risk of macular degeneration, a condition resulting in vision loss. (Archives of Ophthalmology)
Mood: Eating strawberries and drinking strawberry juice stimulate the release of serotonin, which improves mood and is responsible for a feeling of relaxation and a general sense of well-being.