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Alarming Causes of Hair Loss

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Causes of hair loss

Hair loss is a problem many people complain about. Although the first reaction of those who suffer from hair loss is to resort to pharmaceuticals and cosmetics as hair treatments, medical investigations may reveal pathology that is secondary leading to hair loss, and which, through treatment, to solve the problem.

Therefore we aligned in this article the most common causes of hair loss:

Hormonal problems:

Many of hormonal disorders affects hair root. Secondary manifestations to the loss in hormonal disorders can be:

– Thinning hair;
– Slowing hair growth;
– Hair loss;

Between hormonal disorders affecting hair include the selvedge of the adrenal gland, thyroid disease and disorders of sex hormones.

Infections and weak immune system:

The state of infection leads to increased body processes, namely “channeling” of body energy and resources in fighting infection and less on the maintenance of the less important functions, such as hair growth. Thus even a common cold can lead to hair loss.

Inadequate food:

Unhealthy diet, rich in meat, eggs and fat but low in fruits and vegetables can disrupt the metabolism and one of the side effects can be hair loss. Thus, having an incorrect and unhealthy diet we prone to skin conditions, hair loss, obesity, hormonal disorders, memory disorders, vitamin deficiencies, nervous disorders, cardiovascular diseases, etc..

Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals:

Decreased blood calcium and magnesium or iron (hypocalcemia, anemia, etc..) Leads to hair loss. Also lighter deficiencies of vitamin C, A, E, and B vitamins can affect hair health.

Autoimmune diseases:

Most autoimmune diseases are affecting hair. Thus rheumatoid arthritis, SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus), insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, autoimmune thyroiditis, etc.. – All these conditions lead to hair loss and thinning hair.


Stress is already considered a disease. Its manifestations are organic, but also and physical. Among the manifestations of stress include hair loss, along with fatigue, various organic disorders, unexplained drowsiness or insomnia, weight loss or gain, susceptibility to infection by wakening immunity.

Environmental conditions:

Environmental and working conditions may expose you to various pathologies. Radiation, high pollution, pollution in air particles (chemical, solvents, acids, etc..) Can lead to hair loss.

Very serious diseases:

Very serious diseases, consumptive, lead to an exhausted body and hair loss, along with other specific events. In this category cancerous diseases and therapy for this disease – radio therapy or cytostatic therapy.

Cardiovascular diseases:

Disease in the cardiovascular area may result in hair loss. Damaged vessels or poor body oxygenation results in changes in all organs.

Other systemic diseases:

Some blood diseases, lung disease, kidney disease, type II diabetes – all of these conditions alters hair health. Hair loss is just one of many manifestations of these diseases.

Age and genetic factors:

With increased age body processes go through various modifications, including those in the hair: bleaching or pigment reduction, hair loss (baldness, alopecia), thinning hair and brightness changes – hair becomes rough and dull. Genetic factors also predispose to hair loss. If the family, especially among first degree relatives suffered of hair loss, then this can be genetically transmitted.

Physical and emotional shock:

Physical shocks, accidents and trauma are among events that produce hair loss. Emotional stress cause a strong shock, consumtiv, with echoes in all organs. And also the skin, hair and nails suffer deficiencies.