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Boost Your Immunity During Winter by Eating More of These Foods

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immunity boost during winter

During winter, the season of flu and cold, it is very important to take care of your immune system. More hours of sleep, daily exercise and stress reduction can be beneficial to your good health during the cold season.

A proper diet is very important. Fortunately, there are many fruits, vegetables and other foods that are very beneficial to our immune system. Body’s immunity resistance is determined by diet and how the body responds to stress factors. Thus, consumed foods act as a shield for healthy cells, designed to strengthen and support our immune system functions.

In the winter, the body needs more nutrients to keep body temperature constant, so it is advisable to consume healthier foods to avoid losing nutrients. Recipes are also recommended to be prepared with as many spices as possible, due to their curative properties.

Pro-biotics are healthy bacteria that cleanse the intestinal tract of germs which can cause various diseases. According to a study by German researchers, pro-biotics, which are found in the active yogurt culture, shorten the manifestation of respiratory virus by up to 2 days. Consume a cup of yogurt daily to keep your immune system strong.

Sweet potatoes
Recommended to be consumed especially during winter, because of the beta-carotene content, an antioxidant that the body turns into Vitamin A, an essential nutrient that helps us fight against various diseases.

It is considered the main food that helps fight cancer. It has a rich content of carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts. A food very beneficial to the body during winter.

Mushrooms are some of the best vegetables that help prevent and combat various diseases. This is due to the fact that mushrooms helps with multiplying the white cells in the body. Consuming mushrooms increases the production and activity of white cells, making them more aggressive in fighting against possible infections.

Garlic has been used for thousands of years as a weapon in the fight against diseases. According to medicinal studies, people who consume garlic or garlic supplements are harder to get sick. It can be consumed daily, added in small amounts in your dishes.

Apples are rich in magnesium, iron and potassium. Crude apples are a great help for digestion and a weapon against fever and inflammation. Drinking apple juice on the empty stomach has a diuretic effect and helps prevent constipation. A wonderful fruit that will keep your body strong every day.

The kiwi fruit is an excellent natural source of vitamin E – very important for immunity. Vitamin E helps protect against viral and bacterial infections. An interesting fact is that kiwi contains many more vitamins than citrus, including oranges.

Red and pink grapefruits
Grapefruit is an important source of vitamin C, essential for the immune system. It is an ideal choice because it contains bioflavonoids that have a curative effect especially for the the circulatory system, but also on the other systems of the body.

People who drank a few cups of black tea for 2 weeks had 10 times less chances of contacting a virus than people who only drank other regular hot drinks, as shown in a medical study made at Harvard. The amino-acid that is responsible for this immunity boost, L-theanine, is abundant in both black and green teas.

Selenium, found in fish and other seafood, helps white cells produce the cytokines-protein that keep colds away. Herring, salmon and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fats, help reduce inflammation, increase airflow, and protect lungs from respiratory infections.

Chicken soup
A study at the University of Nebraska has shown that chicken soup stops the migration of inflammation between white cells, because symptoms of cold is an effect at the cellular level. The amino-acid cysteine, released from the chicken during cooking, chemically copies the acetylcysteine ​​anti-bronchitis drug, which explains the research results. Adding spices such as onion and garlic, will greatly improve the soup’s ability to boost your immune system.

Just because its cold outside, and you need to consume more hot liquids, this does not mean the body no longer needs 1.5 liters of water daily. In the cold season, you should not consume water from the refrigerator, but just from room temperature, so the body is free of dehydration and at the same time energy is not wasted, because the body will not struggle to bring the water to body temperature.

A balanced diet is enough to meet the daily energy needs of the body during winter. Consume as much fruits and vegetables during the day, and in the morning eat foods high in carbohydrate.