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Coffee: Food, Drug, Or A Profitable Business?

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Throughout Europe, advertising practiced by health authorities made cautions that tobacco is bad for your health, but also fat, sweets and alcohol are not recommended. About coffee, health institutions say nothing.

Neither would have much to say. Even if the suffering man should consult the doctor when he wants to drink coffee, for a healthy person, coffee taken in reasonable doses, does not seem harmful.

The healthy man does not have to fear

Was scientifically demonstrated that moderate amounts of coffee, for example, two cups a day, is beneficial. It helps reduce the risk of developing colon cancer, prevent gallstones, cirrhosis, Parkinson’s disease and asthma.

In addition, regular consumption of coffee, in the same limited doses, is useful in preventing type II diabetes.

Coffee is a good for our blood vessels and is useful in controlling migraine. Caffeine in coffee is a good diuretic, stimulates the excretory system and remove toxic substances from our body.

Like fruits and vegetables, coffee contains antioxidants that can prevent the damaging effects of oxidation in body tissues, helping to protect against cell damage and reducing risks of certain cancers installation.

Excesses are harmful, and coffee makes no exception

On the other hand, consumption of coffee is recommended only in moderation. Excess of caffeine diminished the ability to concentrate. Also, excess of caffeine disturbs water balance in the body, leading to dehydration.


Excess of coffee can lead to caffeine intoxication, the signs are tremors and muscle weakness, unmotivated agitation, tachycardia, cold extremities, pale skin and feeling unwell.

The effect it has on the body sensations mimic the increased amount of adrenaline: caffeine cause rapid heartbeat and gives a state of over-excited nervous system.

A little history

Of African origin, coffee is known from long time, originally used as medicine. The famous Avicenna Oriental taught included medical management of coffee in his treaties on several conditions.

In Europe, coffee has penetrated more than 600 years ago as a luxury food, but also as a drug, with mystical qualities, generating a particular religious ecstasy. In Turkey, as in other Muslim countries, coffee consumption was associated with a specific rite, being ready “sand”, in kettles of bronze or terra cotta pots. Through Turkey, arrived in the European countries.

The ritual of cooking and serving is required as a badge of wealth and nobility, gradually spread throughout Europe. Coffee has always attracted both by inviting its flavor, and the refreshing effects of body condition.

Only in the twentieth century, doctors have drawn attention to the harmful effects. Currently, they are tinted in a healthy way for man, when moderate coffee consumption is beneficial in another way for the sufferer who needs advice.

Meanwhile, preparation and marketing of coffee has become a thriving business which, in turn, led to horizontally business. In this phase, it came to the attention of state authorities, who do not lose the opportunity to apply the prevailing taxes structures like in the case of tobacco and luxury items.

The presence of coffee in all windows, in supermarkets, in the TV commercial breaks or whenever you look you can see our need to be satisfied by the flavor, taste and jazz, but also the need of authorities to make their income from anything.

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