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Discover What Is a Good Scripture for Healing

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Scripture Healing

Proverbs 17 22 (KJV) A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit d rieth the bones

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit d rieth the bones. This scripture is so true! When we are down and out, it is our attitudes that will determine how fast we heal and how well we recover. A positive outlook will help us physically, mentally, and emotionally. It really is like medicine to the soul!

Proverbs 4:20-24 (KJV)

“My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”

This scripture is a powerful reminder of the importance of paying attention to what God has to say. His words are life-giving and full of healing power. When we keep His words close to our hearts, they will be a source of strength and encouragement when we need it most.

Isaiah 26 3 (KJV)

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

This particular scripture from Isaiah is a great one to meditate on when you are seeking healing. It reminds us that if we keep our minds focused on God, we will find perfect peace. This peace comes from trusting in God’s goodness and power to heal us. When we truly trust God, we can let go of our fear and anxiety and know that He is in control. We can rest assured that He will work everything out for our good.

If you are currently struggling with ill health, pain or any other issue, take some time to focus your mind on this scripture. Picture yourself surrounded by a peaceful light as you meditate on the words. Allow yourself to feel the presence of God filling you with His peace and love. As you do so, believe that He is healing you body, mind and soul right now. Trust Him to make things right in your life and know that He will never leave or forsake you.

Isaiah 33 2 (KJV)

“O LORD, be gracious unto us; we have waited for thee: be thou their arm every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble.”

The book of Isaiah is known as one of the prophetic books of the Bible. The prophets were men who were called by God to speak His word to His people. They were given a special anointing or power by which they could declare the will of God and sometimes even predict future events. Isaiah was such a prophet. In this particular verse, he is crying out to God on behalf of his people who are in trouble. He pleads with God to be their strong arm and their salvation in times of trouble. This is a powerful prayer for anyone who is facing difficult circumstances.

The word “gracious” in this verse means kind or merciful. It is an appeal to God’s character that He would show mercy and help those who are struggling. The phrase “we have waited for thee” shows that the people had been faithful to God and had been trusting Him for help. They had not turned away from Him even though things were tough. Instead, they continued to wait on Him and cry out for His assistance.

This verse reminds us that we can always turn to God when we are facing difficulties in our lives. He is always ready and willing to help us if we only ask Him too! No matter what situation you may be going through right now, know that you can call on Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and He will hear your cries for help!

Isaiah 40 31 (KJV)

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

This scripture from Isaiah is a great source of encouragement for those who are dealing with illness or injury. It reminds us that our strength will be renewed if we wait on the Lord. We will be able to overcome our difficulties and enjoy good health once again. This promise is a source of hope for all who are facing difficult times.

Isaiah 53 5 (KJV)

“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”

This is one of the most popular verses in the Bible when it comes to seeking comfort and healing. And rightfully so, as it contains a powerful message that can bring hope and peace to those who are going through difficult times.

The verse begins with a declaration of who Jesus is – “the Son of God.” This establishes His authority and power over all things, including sickness and disease. He was then “wounded for our transgressions,” which means that He took on the punishment that we deserved for all the wrong things we’ve done. As a result of His sacrifice, we can now be forgiven and have eternal life.

But Jesus didn’t stop there. He also “bruised for our iniquities.” This refers to the fact that Jesus endured tremendous suffering because of our sinfulness. It was His love for us that led Him to go through such pain and agony. And because of what He did, we can now be healed – both physically and spiritually. We no longer have to carry around the burden of guilt or shame because we have been forgiven by God Himself.

This verse is a beautiful picture of God’s love for us. It shows us that no matter how far we fall, God will always be there to pick us up and heal us from all our hurts and pains. So if you’re feeling lost or alone today, know that you are never too far from God’s loving arms. Turn to Him in prayer and ask Him to help you through whatever situation you’re facing right now. He will give you strength, comfort, healing, hope…and most importantly, His everlasting love.

James 1 4 (KJV)

“But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”

When we are faced with difficult times and are in need of healing, it is important to remember to be patient. The Bible tells us that patience is a virtue and it is through our trials and tribulations that we grow stronger. In James 1 4 we are told to let patience have her perfect work so that we may be complete and lacking nothing. It is through our faith and trust in God that we receive His strength to endure whatever challenges come our way.

Healing takes time, both physically and emotionally. There are no shortcuts when it comes to the healing process. We must go through the pain in order to come out on the other side stronger than before. It is important to lean on our faith during these times as well as on the support of family and friends. Trusting in God’s plan for us can help us find peace amidst the storm.

When we allow God to work in our lives, He will use even the most difficult situations for good. He will take our brokenness and turn it into something beautiful if we let Him. So if you are facing a difficult situation today, know that God is with you and He will see you through it if you just trust in Him and be patient.

John 14 27 (KJV)

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

When Christ spoke these words, He was leaving His disciples with a special gift- His peace. This was not the same type of peace that the world offered. Instead, it was a supernatural peace that could only come from God. This peace would guard their hearts and minds from anxiety and fear.

Today, we can still receive this same type of peace from Christ. When we are troubled or afraid, we can go to Him and ask for His peace. He will never turn us away empty-handed. We may not always feel peaceful in the midst of our trials, but we can trust that God is with us and will give us His strength to get through them.