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How Do You Know if a Girl Likes You but Is Hiding It?

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Girl Likes Hiding

There are a few ways to tell if a girl likes you but is hiding it. One way is to see if she goes out of her way to talk to you or spend time with you. If she’s always around when you’re around, that’s a good sign she likes you. Another way is to see if she blushes when you talk to her or if she can’t look you in the eye for more than a few seconds. If either of these are true, it’s likely that she has feelings for you but is afraid to show them.

She’ll ask about your family

If a girl likes you but is hiding it, she may try to find out about your family. She’ll probably ask about your parents, siblings, and other relatives. This is her way of trying to get to know you better and see if you’re compatible.

She’ll laugh at your jokes.: Even if your jokes aren’t that funny, she’ll still laugh. This is another way of showing interest.

She’ll touch you.: If a girl likes you but is hiding it, she may accidentally (or purposely) touch you when she talks to you. This could be anything from a light touch on the arm to a more intimate hug.

She’ll mirror your body language.: If a girl likes you but is hiding it, she may mirror your body language. For example, if you cross your arms, she might do the same thing. Or if you lean in when talking to her, she might do the same thing back.

She’ll try to get close to your friends

She’ll mirror your body language.: If a girl likes you but is hiding it, she may mirror your body language as a way of subconsciously showing that she’s on the same wavelength as you. For example, if you cross your arms while talking to her, she may do the same thing shortly afterwards. Or if you lean forward when speaking with her, she may unconsciously follow suit.

She’ll initiate physical contact.: Another telltale sign that a girl likes you but is hiding it is if she initiates physical contact on an ongoing basis – whether it’s brushing up against you “accidentally”, putting her hand on yours when laughing at one of your jokes or giving you an extended hug goodbye. These are all ways of touching base with you physically without making things too obvious or coming on too strong – which could potentially scare you off!

She won’t make eye contact.: This one can be tricky because sometimes people just naturally avoid eye contact out of shyness or nerves (which could very well be the case with this girl). But if someone consistently won’t look at you directly in the eyes – especially during conversation – then there’s definitely something going on beyond simple nerves or shyness.

Her friends will try to get close to you

If a girl likes you but is hiding it, her friends will likely try to get close to you. They may do this in an effort to get information about you or simply because they want to be close to someone their friend likes. Either way, it’s a good sign that they’re interested in you.

She’ll try to engage in physical contact

She’ll be nervous around you: If a girl likes you but is hiding it, she’ll probably be pretty nervous around you. She might fidget a lot, or have trouble making eye contact. This is just her way of trying to hide her feelings for you.

She’ll go out of her way to talk to you: If a girl really likes you, she’ll go out of her way to talk to you. She might start conversations with you, or try to sit near you when possible. This is just her way of trying to get your attention and hopefully start up a conversation with you!

She’ll cheer you on

If a girl likes you, she’ll definitely be cheering you on. She’ll be your biggest fan and will always want to see you succeed. She’ll be proud of your accomplishments and will always be there to support you.

When you feel hurt, she’ll feel hurt

When you’re hurt, she’ll feel hurt. It’s as simple as that. Your pain is her pain, and she’ll do everything in her power to try to make it go away. She may not show it on the outside, but inside she’s a total wreck.

She’ll always look put together around you

When a girl likes you but is hiding it, she will always look put together around you. She’ll make sure her hair and makeup are always done, and she’ll be dressed to impress. She doesn’t want you to see her flaws, so she’ll go out of her way to look perfect in your eyes.

She’ll be nervous around you.:

If a girl likes you but is hiding it, she will be nervous around you. She’ll get tongue-tied and trip over her words when she’s talking to you. She’s worried that she might say something wrong or do something that will turn you off, so she’s constantly on edge when she’s around you.