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Survival Food

Here Are the Most Important Survival Foods

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There are many opinions on what the most important survival food may be. However, there are some items that are commonly agreed upon as being essential for survival. These include items such as water, shelter, and clothing. Other items that are often considered essential for survival include food and fire.

Water is often considered the most important item for survival as it is necessary for life. The human body can only survive a few days without water. Water can be used for drinking, cooking, and cleaning. It is also necessary for hydration which helps to prevent heat stroke and dehydration.

Shelter is another important item for survival as it provides protection from the elements. Shelter can be anything from a simple tarp to a more complex structure such as a cabin or house. It is important to have shelter that will protect from wind, rain, snow, and heat.

Clothing is also an important item for survival as it helps to protect the body from the elements. Clothing should be made of materials that will keep the body warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather. It is also important to have clothing that will protect from injuries such as cuts or scrapes.

Food is another essential item for survival as it provides the body with energy and.
Read More »Here Are the Most Important Survival Foods

honey never expires

8 Foods That Never (or Almost Never) Expire

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There are a variety of foods that will not spoil, including certain types of fruit, vegetables, and meat. These foods can be stored for long periods of time without rotting or going bad.

Fruits such as apples and pears can last for months when stored in a cool, dry place. Vegetables such as potatoes and onions can also be stored for long periods of time, although they may start to sprout after a few weeks. Meat such as beef and pork can be cured and smoked, which preserves it for months or even years.
Read More »8 Foods That Never (or Almost Never) Expire

broccoli healthiest food

The Top 5 Healthiest Foods on Earth

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There are many fruits that have anti-inflammatory properties. Some of these include: pineapple, papaya, watermelon, strawberries, and blueberries. These fruits contain compounds that help to reduce inflammation in the body. Pineapple, for example, contains an enzyme called bromelain which has been shown to be effective in reducing inflammation.
Read More »The Top 5 Healthiest Foods on Earth


Things to Avoid Before Bed for a Good Night’s Sleep

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It’s important to wind down before bed and establish a routine that signals to your body that it’s time to sleep. That means avoiding caffeine late in the day, disconnecting from electronics screens, and avoiding intense exercise close to bedtime.

You should also avoid eating large meals before bed, as this can lead to indigestion and disrupt sleep. And finally, try to relax and clear your mind before going to bed so you can drift off to sleep more easily.
Read More »Things to Avoid Before Bed for a Good Night’s Sleep

Food Poop

What Food Makes You Have a Bowel Movement?

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There are a few different things that can help you poop. Eating high-fiber foods, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can help make sure you’re getting the recommended 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day. Drinking plenty of water is also key to keeping things moving along smoothly. And if all else fails, there’s always coffee (or tea). The caffeine in coffee stimulates the muscles in your digestive system to move things along.
Read More »What Food Makes You Have a Bowel Movement?

banana and milk

Which Foods Should Not Be Eaten Together?

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Foods that should not be eaten together are typically those that are difficult to digest or that can cause indigestion. This includes foods that are high in fat, acid, or spice. For example, fried foods, citrus fruits, and tomatoes can all be tough on the stomach and may cause heartburn or indigestion. Other common culprits include caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, and mint.

While there are no hard-and-fast rules about which foods to avoid eating together, it’s generally best to stick with simple combinations that won’t overwhelm your digestive system.
Read More »Which Foods Should Not Be Eaten Together?