We all know that strawberries taste is delicious, but also very nutritious, and should ideally be part of anyone’s daily diet. If you eat regularly you will enjoy some of the benefits of strawberries, and the good thing is that they are some of the most delicious fruits.
It is recommended by specialists that each person should consume at least 5 fresh fruits and vegetables daily, but unfortunately, most people are not even remotely close to this figure.
Adding fresh strawberries to your diet, whether in salads, sauces and as such, makes a wonderful way to ensure the immune backup system and a strong body. Strawberries contain a range of nutrients and vitamin C. They also contain phytonutrients and antioxidants, which fight against free radicals. These antioxidant properties are thought to be associated with bright red strawberries.
Besides vitamin C, strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin K and manganese, folic acid, potassium, riboflavin, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, copper, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids.
Uses of Strawberries
Strawberries are among the most complex fruits. Unfortunately, there are highly perishable. Buy fresh strawberries with only a few days before you eat them. Frozen strawberries lose most of their nutritional properties, if not all. Choose only plump strawberries, bright red and free from mold. Unlike other fruits, strawberries do not continue to ripen after being picked, so make sure you have chosen the most ripe, they will delight you with the best taste and highest level of nutrients.
Many consider that a medium strawberry is sweeter and more flavorful than the large one. When buying strawberries prepackaged make sure they were not packed too tightly.
Strawberries are rich in vitamins and minerals, low in calories, sweet, easy to find and easy to prepare. If you try to lose weight, eat healthy, or both, strawberries can be the answer to your prayers.
Strawberries Are Rich in Antioxidants
A diet rich in vegetables and fruits will help combat heart disease, cancer and prevent or delay the onset of many effects of aging. The researchers found that high levels of antioxidants in strawberries may help neutralize the destructive effects of free radicals in your system, while helping the body to repair tissues, giving it a surplus of vitamin C. Strawberries help fight heart disease, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease
A few strawberries will provide 210 mg of potassium, a mineral that helps regulate the body’s electrolytes, reducing the risk of heart attacks and stroke. Strawberries are also rich in folic acid ester, the key ingredient in the production of red blood cells and possible additives in delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
Strawberries Are Full of Vitamins and Minerals
They contain vitamins B2, B5, B6, vitamin K, copper and magnesium. May contain omega-3 fatty acids. All this with only 45 calories per medium sized strawberry. And not only that, but the fiber in strawberries, about 12% of the RDA, help nutrient absorption, inhibits the production of cholesterol in the liver and helps stabilize blood sugar.
The Best Way to Eat Strawberries For Your Health
Although strawberries can be included in various salads, appetizers and desserts to get as much benefit from them trying to eat them raw, uncooked and without additives.
Because they contain the recommended daily dose of vitamin C when served raw, including some strawberries in the morning with a portion of cereal, will do a great favor for your waistline at a very low cost.
More than a product of summer, strawberries can be found in any supermarket and market at any time of year. Fresh strawberries can be mashed with a blender and mixed with plain yogurt or skim milk to get a refreshing and healthy cream. You can eat sliced strawberries that were left to steep with an artificial sweetener (sugar) if you want a refreshing dessert.
The Best Way to Keep Strawberries
The best way to store strawberries is by removing them from the bag that you bought and put them in a roomy pot sealed with a plastic wrap. Do not wash berries before refrigerating, exposure to cold and moisture will cause mildew. Strawberries are good if you eat them within 4 days of purchase, not more.
Although modern types of strawberries are more resistant to damage, local cultures are more fresh, less hit and more flavorful. Strawberries are a feast for the senses. They contain zero saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, are a naturally sweet and have more calories than most of other fruits. Adding them to your diet will kick off a healthy balanced diet.