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The Five Steps to Help You Calm Down When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

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Steps Calm

When we feel angry, frustrated, or upset, it can be difficult to calm down. Our heart rate speeds up, our breathing becomes shallow, and our thoughts can become irrational and negative. However, there are some simple steps we can take to help us calm down and regain control of our emotions.

The first step is to Recognize the signs that you are getting angry. Pay attention to your body and notice when your heart rate starts to increase, your breathing becomes shallow, and you start to feel tense. These are all physical signs that your stress levels are rising and you need to take action to bring them back down.

The second step is to Take a deep breath. This may seem like a clich d advice but it really does work! When we take a deep breath in through our nose, it slows down our heart rate and helps us focus on the present moment rather than dwelling on whatever it is that has made us angry.

The third step is Try to see the situation from another perspective. This means looking at things from a different angle or taking yourself out of the equation entirely. For example, if someone cuts you off in traffic, instead of getting angry at them try thinking about how they may be rushing home because their child is.

5: Acknowledge FIVE things you see around you

When you’re feeling anxious or stressed, it can be difficult to calm down. But there are some simple things you can do to start feeling better.

1. Acknowledge the things you see around you. 5: Acknowledge FIVE things you see around you.:

1) The sky 2) The trees 3) The grass 4) The flowers 5) The birds.

4: Acknowledge FOUR things you can touch around you

There are countless ways to calm down when feeling anxious, stressed or overwhelmed. However, one effective method is to focus on your senses and four things you can touch around you.

Touch is a powerful sense that can trigger positive emotions and help to ground us in the present moment. When we focus on the sensations of touch, it can help to take our mind off of whatever is causing us distress and bring us back into our body.

Here are four steps to calming down by using your sense of touch: #1. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. #2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. #3. Notice four things you can touch around you – e.g., a soft blanket, a smooth stone, a fluffy pillow, etc. #4. Really focus on the sensations of each object – e.g., the texture, temperature, weight, etc.”

3: Acknowledge THREE things you hear

1. Acknowledge that you are feeling overwhelmed and need to take a step back.

2. Recognize the three things you hear: the sound of your breath, the sound of your heart beating, and the sound of silence.

3. Allow yourself to focus on just those three things and nothing else for a few moments.

1: Acknowledge ONE thing you can taste

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to focus on one of your senses. What can you taste? Maybe it’s a delicious cup of coffee or tea, a sweet treat, or something savory. Whatever it is, take a moment to appreciate the flavor and focus on nothing else.

2: Acknowledge ONE thing you can touch.:

Touch can be incredibly calming, whether it’s the softness of a favorite blanket or the warmth of a loved one’s hand. Spend a few seconds focusing on the sensation of touch and allow yourself to feel more relaxed.

3: Acknowledge ONE thing you can smell.:

Smells are powerful triggers for memories and emotions, so choosing a calming scent can help you relax quickly. Try lavender oil or diffusing some citrus essential oils. Alternatively, simply take some deep breaths and focus on the freshness of the air around you.

4: Acknowledge ONE thing you can see.:

Take in your surroundings and find one specific thing to focus on. It could be something as simple as a plant in the corner or a photo on your desk. Let your eyes rest on this object and appreciate its beauty for a few moments.