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The Four Types of Love According to the Greeks

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Types Love

The four types of love are Eros, Agape, Phileo, and Storge. Eros is the love between a man and a woman. It is passionate and physical. Agape is the love between God and humanity. It is selfless and sacrificial. Phileo is the love between friends. It is platonic and supportive. Storge is the love between family members. It is familial and comfortable.

Eros: erotic, passionate love. We might as well get that one out of the way first

Eros is the kind of love that we often see in movies and books. It is the passionate, all-consuming love that can make people do crazy things. This kind of love is often based on physical attraction and can sometimes be short-lived.

Philia: friendship love. This is the kind of love we have for our friends and family members.:

Philia is the kind of love that we feel for our friends and family members. This type of love is based on mutual respect, trust, and affection. It is often seen as a stronger bond than mere friendship because it involves genuine care and concern for the other person’s well-being.

Agape: selfless, altruistic love.:

Agape is a selfless, altruistic type of love. This type of love does not require anything in return and it does not seek anything for itself. Agapelove goes beyond just caring for another person; it also includes a desire to help them reach their full potential in life.

Philia: love of friends and equals

Philia is a love of friends and equals. It is often described as a “brotherly love” or “friendship.” Philia is often used in contrast to eros, which refers to a love of someone that is not platonic. Plato believed that philia was the highest form of love because it was based on shared values and common interests, rather than physical attraction.

Aristotle also believed that philia was the highest form of love, but he saw it as more than just friendship. Aristotle saw philia as a kind of partnership: two people who care for each other and are willing to work together for the common good. This kind of relationship can be seen in marriages, families, and business partnerships.

Unlike eros or agape, philia does not necessarily involve strong emotions or sexual desire. Instead, it is based on mutual respect and understanding. Although philia does not always involve romantic feelings, it can sometimes lead to them. Friends who share a deep bond of trust and affection may eventually develop romantic feelings for each other (this is known as “philia turn”).

While Platonic relationships are typically between two people of the same gender, this is not always the case. There are many examples of platonic relationships between people of different genders (such as Between Men by Donald Winnicott). Platonic relationships can also be between people of different ages; for example, a grandparent-grandchild relationship may be considered platonic..

Storge: love of parents for children

Storge love is the love between parents and children. It is a strong, protective love that is often unconditional. This type of love is often described as a mother’s love for her child. Storge love is often seen as selfless and sacrificial. Parents who have st orge love for their children are often willing to do anything for them, including making sacrifices. This type of love is built over time and usually grows stronger as the relationship matures.

Agape: love of mankind

It is the highest form of love, and is often referred to as “unconditional love.” Agape is a selfless, sacrificial love that seeks the best for others without any expectation of reciprocation. It is the kind of love that God has for us, and that we are called to have for others.

Agape was first used by early Christians to describe the selfless love of God for humanity. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ speaks about agape several times, particularly in his famous “Sermon on the Mount.” In this sermon, Jesus says that we are to “love our enemies” (Matthew 5:44) and do good to those who despite fully use us (Luke 6:35). This type of sacrificial love is at the heart of Christianity, and it is what sets us apart from other religions.

While agape can be used to describe any selfless act done out of Love, it is often specifically used in reference to Christian charity or service work. This includes things like feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting those who are sick or imprisoned, etc. It also includes things like forgiving those who have wronged us and showing compassion to those in need. Ultimately, agape is about putting others first – even if it means making sacrifices ourselves.
