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The Most Common Symptoms Of Diabetes

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Many of the symptoms of type 1 diabetes resembles the type 2 diabetes. In both cases there is too much glucose in the blood and failure in your body cells. The high glucose levels of type 1 diabetes are due to a lack of insulin because the cells that produce insulin have been destroyed. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body becomes resistant to the insulin produced. In any case, the cells in your body are not receiving the amount of glucose they need, and your body will send some warning signals.

Going to the toilet too often:

Are you going to the toilet more often lately? You seem to urinate all day long? Urination becomes more frequent when there is much glucose in the blood. If insulin is nonexistent or ineffective, the kidneys can not filter glucose back into the blood. They become overworked and are trying to get more water to dilute the blood glucose. So you always have your bladder full and need to urinate frequently.

You are always thirsty:

It seems that you will not reach enough water and you will drink more water than usual, it may be a sign of diabetes, especially if frequent urination is associated. If your body takes water to dilute the blood glucose and therefore urinate more often, you will be dehydrated and feel the need to drink more water.


Losing weight without reasons:

This symptom is often observed in type 1 diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas ceases to produce insulin, possibly due to a viral attack on pancreas cells or because of an autoimmune response that causes the body to attack the insulin-producing cells. The body needs an energy source that has no sugar. Consequently will consume fat and muscle tissue to get energy. Type 2 diabetes occurs gradually with increasing body resistance to insulin, so weight loss is not so obvious.

Weakness and fatigue:

Also due to glucose. Glucose from the food consumed in the bloodstream where insulin should contribute to its transition into body cells. Cells use to produce the energy needs to live. If insulin is nonexistent or if the cells do not react to it then it remains in blood glucose. The cells have no energy and you feel exhausted.

Tingling or numbness in hands, legs or feet:

This symptom is called neuropathy. Occurs gradually over time as high blood glucose levels damage the nervous system, especially in the extremities. Type 2 diabetes is installed gradually, and you may not even realize that you are sick. Therefore, blood glucose levels can be high for a long period of time before a diagnosis is made. Nerve injuries can occur without for you to know. Neuropathy effects can be decreased when it is kept under strict control of blood glucose levels.

Other signs or symptoms that may occur:

Blurred vision, dry or irritated skin, frequent infections, cuts or bleeding that heal very slowly, these are all signs that something is wrong. Again, when these signs are associated with diabetes, are caused by a high level of glucose in the blood. If you notice any of these symptoms, see your doctor. It will be able to tell if you have diabetes or something else.

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