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What Are the Top 10 Negative Emotions?

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Negative Emotions

Fear, anger, disgust, contempt, sadness, guilt, shame, hurt, frustration and jealousy are the top 10 negative emotions. All of these emotions can lead to problems if they’re not managed properly. Fear can lead to anxiety and panic attacks. Anger can lead to aggression and violence. Disgust can lead to revulsion and avoidance. Contempt can lead to prejudice and discrimination. Sadness can lead to depression and hopelessness. Guilt can lead to feelings of worthlessness and low self-esteem. Shame can leads to social isolation and withdrawal. Hurt can lead to resentment and bitterness. Frustrationcanleadto rage and out-of-control behavior.


Loneliness is a feeling of isolation, or being alone. It can be caused by a number of factors, including social isolation, relationship problems, work problems, or even living in a rural area. Loneliness can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety, and can even be harmful to your health. If you’re feeling lonely, there are a number of things you can do to try and improve your situation.


Resentment can be caused by a variety of things, including real or perceived slights, insults, injuries, or injustices. When someone feels they have been treated unfairly, it can lead to resentment. Resentment can also be fueled by jealousy or envy.

In some cases, resentment may be justified. For example, if you were passed over for a promotion that you feel you deserved, it would be natural to feel resentful towards the person who got the job instead of you. However, in other cases resentment may be unfounded and based on irrational thoughts and perceptions.

Resentment is harmful because it can lead to negative consequences like decreased productivity at work, relationship problems, and even physical health problems like high blood pressure and headaches. Additionally, holding on to resentment prevents people from moving on and enjoying their lives. If you find yourself feeling resentful frequently, it may be helpful to talk to a therapist or counselor who can help you address the underlying issues causing your resentment.


“I have failed again and again throughout my life. That’s why I’ve been successful” – Michael Jordan

Many of us fear failure, and it can hold us back from reaching our full potential. But what is failure, really? And is it all bad? Let’s take a closer look at this complex emotion.

Failure is often defined as the inability to achieve a desired goal or outcome. We may feel like we have failed if we don’t get the job we wanted, or if our business ventures don’t succeed. Failure can also be more personal, such as when we feel like we’ve let ourselves down or disappointed others.

Failure can be painful and discouraging, but it’s important to remember that it is not permanent. We can learn from our mistakes and use them as opportunities to grow and improve. In fact, many successful people have said that their greatest successes came after experiencing failures. So next time you’re feeling down about a setback, remind yourself that failure is not the end – it’s just the beginning of something new and better.


There are many different types of jealousy. Here are some of the most common:

1) Possessive jealousy – This type of jealousy occurs when you feel that someone is trying to take something away from you that you consider to be yours. For example, if your partner spends time with someone else, you may feel possessive and become jealous. This type of jealousy can lead to controlling behaviour and even violence.

2) Sexual jealousy – This type of jealousy occurs when you believe that your partner is attracted to someone else or is interested in having a sexual relationship with them. Sexual jealousy can be very destructive as it can lead to mistrust, suspicion and even affairs.

3) Envy – This type of jealousy occurs when you see someone else who has something that you want but don’t have yourself. For example, if your best friend gets a new job or promotion while you’re stuck in a dead-end job, envy may start to creep in. Envy is often closely linked to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. If not dealt with properly, it can damage relationships beyond repair as well as leading to depression and anxiety.