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Which Exercise Is Best for Anxiety?

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Exercise Anxiety

There are many different types of exercise out there, and it can be tough to determine which one is best for anxiety. However, research suggests that aerobic exercise is most effective in reducing anxiety symptoms. This type of exercise gets your heart rate up and helps you to sweat, which has a calming effect on the body. Additionally, aerobic exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting properties.

Running. Running is a great way to clear your mind while reducing stress

Running has many benefits for mental health, including reducing anxiety. It is a form of cardio exercise that helps to get the heart pumping and release endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. Additionally, running can help to distract from anxious thoughts and provide a sense of accomplishment.

If you are new to running, start slow and gradually increase your mileage. There is no need to push yourself too hard – simply focus on enjoying the process and keeping a consistent routine. Also be sure to pay attention to your breathing as this can help with relaxation.

Yoga. Yoga is a form of exercise that’s become a popular way for people to combine working out with controlled breathing

Yoga is a form of exercise that’s become popular for people who want to combine working out with controlled breathing. It can be helpful for anxiety because it helps you focus on your breath and body movement while you hold each pose.


Hiking is a great form of exercise for anxiety. It allows you to get out in nature, get some fresh air, and take in some beautiful scenery. It can be a solo activity or done with friends, which makes it perfect for those who want to avoid social situations that might trigger their anxiety. Hiking is also a great way to get your heart rate up and release endorphins, which can help decrease anxiety levels.

Take Long Walks

There’s nothing like a good, long walk to help alleviate anxiety. Walking provides an opportunity to get out in nature, get some fresh air and sunshine, and move your body.

Walking is a low-impact form of exercise that can have powerful stress-reducing benefits. It can help improve your mood, boost your energy levels, and promote better sleep. If you’re struggling with anxiety, taking regular walks may be an effective way to help reduce your symptoms.

Start by taking a few 10-minute walks each day. If you’re able, gradually increase the length of your walks until you’re up to 30 minutes or more per day. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather so you can enjoy your walk without any distractions.


Swimming is a great exercise for anxiety because it allows you to get your heart rate up and get some endorphins going without having to be in contact with other people. It can be a very calming and centering activity, and it’s also a great way to get some cardio in.


There are many different types of dance, so you can find one that suits your taste and fitness level. If you’re feeling shy, there are plenty of classes available where you can learn the basics in a supportive environment. Or, if you want to go at your own pace, there are plenty of instructional videos online.

Dancing is a great way to connect with other people and make new friends. Whether you join a class or just head out to the club on weekends, dancing is a great way to socialize and have fun.

If you’re looking for an activity that will help you relieve anxiety and improve your mood, dancing is definitely worth considering!