Some diseases that can be treated with elderberry fruit:
– Flu, colds, epidemics – The most sophisticated influenza vaccines have now a serious competition: tincture of elderberry fruit. Researchers around the world tested the extract on dozens of types of viruses that cause influenza. Conclusion: elderberry substances in the fruit blocks the infection of healthy cells by influenza viruses and, therefore, stopped the disease, both in its early stages, as well as in advanced ones. Action of the fruit of elderberry is still unique in the world, no other synthetic or natural product lines can obtain such performance.
Constipation, chronic constipation, colitis of decay – One to three tablespoons of tincture of elderberry diluted in a cup of water is administered in the morning, on an empty stomach. Treatment is for four weeks in a row and can be resumed, if necessary, after a break of 5-7 days.
– Herpes – When the first symptoms of a herpetic eruption occurs (slight fever, nervousness, tingling or itching), take one teaspoon of tincture diluted in half a glass of water every hour, for a total of 3-4 doses. Treatment lasts for a week. Some active ingredients of the fruits of elderberry destroys the enzyme mechanism by which viruses penetrate healthy cells, thus accelerating the healing of disease. A similar phenomenon occurs in case of infection with the dreaded HIV virus.
Adjuvant treatment of HIV infection – Are made long-term treatments with tincture of the fruits of elderberry. 2-4 tablespoons per day is administered on an empty stomach in the course of 45 days, with one week break, then resume.
– To improve night vision, adjuvant in treatment of eye diseases – 3-4 teaspoons of dried fruit powder of elderberry are taken daily. Administration is on an empty stomach in the course of 3-4 weeks. Vitamins and minerals in the composition of these fruits have a great effect on the eyes.
– Adjuvant in the treatment of benign and malignant tumors – A thirty-day cure with elderberry fruit tincture, given by 2 tablespoons per day, has surprisingly powerful effects by activating the immune system, particularly important in treating this disease categories.
– Psoriasis, skin allergy, scleroderma, skin diseases resistant to conventional treatments – Especially in October-November, when many skin diseases such as psoriasis and scleroderma, tend to recur or worsen, a cure with juice or tincture of elderberry is very welcome. Drink elderberry juice daily and take 1-2 teaspoons of tincture for a period of at least four weeks.
Precautions and contraindications:
– As has a strong laxative and purgative, tincture of the fruits of elderberry will be administered with caution in high doses (more than 2 tablespoons a day). Unless the fruit tincture is used for quick weight loss or against constipation, is recommended to be taken daily one or two teaspoons of lady’s mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris), bark or oak powder. To keep control of intestinal transit.
– Elderberry preparations obtained from fresh fruits, especially tincture and juice, are contraindicated in cases of acute and chronic diarrhea, and colitis.
– People who have a sensitive colon or frequently suffer swelling would be better to eat fruit preparations in parallel with the elderberry and certain spices which have an carminative and anti-inflammatory intestinal role: fennel seeds, cumin seeds, basil, mint.
Pay attention at elderberry toxicity
Elderberry fruits are very strong as a medicinal cure rather than as food. And like any drug ingested in large doses may give side effects which can be unpleasant: as vomiting, heartburn, inflammation of the throat, difficulty in breathing.
Dangerous doses are of 200 grams of juice and 300 grams of tincture per day.