Did you know that hawthorn fruit is a super-fruit? From the revival of iron in our body and immunity system, to the successful fight against alcohol and cigarette dependency when the situation is a little out of control. Therefore, a cure with hawthorn fruit – powder, tea, syrup and marmalade – can only make you good.
A course of vitamin C is always welcome, especially in winter when ascorbic acid intake is lower. Therefore, wild rose or hawthorn fruit, is very rich in vitamin C. Pink flowers contain volatile oil, and the seeds – high amounts of vitamin C and vitamin E, essential fatty acids.
Hawthorn powder may be administered in various ways – in yogurt, soup or as an infusion. Because of its high level of vitamin C and ascorbic acid, hawthorn tea plays an important role in in the cellular respiration process. Prevents the action of harmful free radicals, especially because of vitamin P, hawthorn tea helps maintain normal capillary permeability and elasticity, increasing the whole resistance and normalizing the blood.
The richness of bioactive antioxidant substances and antiviral action makes the hawthorn tea particularly effective for stimulating the immune system, ensures the proper functioning of the digestive system, cardiovascular system, protects the coronary circulation and peripheral circulation, prevents early aging processes and more. Does a toning role, is a great energizer and vitaminizing and possessing property revival and remineralization capabilities.
The content of bioactive substances will provide: depurative diuretic, slightly laxative, hepatoprotective (liver, and is useful in kidney), effective in obesity by inhibiting fat tissue deposition process, the elimination of harmful substances in the body. It is also beneficial during times of physical strain and mental effort, anxiety, neurosis, recovering from infectious diseases, colds, fevers, various forms of vitamin deficiency, will stimulate appetite and increase body resistance.
What more do you need from a single fruit ?