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How Can I Check My Fertility?

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Check Fertility

-What are the signs of fertility?

There are a number of different signs of fertility, and it is important to be aware of them so that you can identify when you are most fertile. The most common sign of fertility is a change in your cervical mucus. When you are ovulating, your cervical mucus will become thinner and more slippery, making it easier for sperm to travel through the cervix and reach the egg. Another sign of fertility is a change in your basal body temperature. Your basal body temperature typically rises slightly when you ovulate, so tracking your temperature can help you to identify when you are at your most fertile. Additionally, many women experience mild cramping on one side of their abdomen during ovulation as the egg is released from the follicle. Paying attention to these changes in your body each month can help you to predict when you are likely to ovulate and increase your chances of conceiving.

-How do I know if I’m fertile?

There are a few different ways to find out if you’re fertile. The most common way is to track your menstrual cycle. If you have regular periods, you’re likely fertile. You can also use a fertility tracker or ovulation predictor kit to help you pinpoint when you’re ovulating.

If you want to get pregnant, trying during your fertile window-the days in your cycle when pregnancy is most likely-is key. Knowing when you ovulate is important because it’s the only time during your cycle when pregnancy is possible. Once an egg is released from the ovary, it only survives for 12-24 hours before it begins to break down. So, if there’s no sperm waiting around to fertilize it, pregnancy can’t happen.

If getting pregnant is something that’s on your mind, make an appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist or fertility specialist today!

-What causes infertility?

There are many different causes of infertility, including both male and female factors. In about one-third of cases, the cause is due to a problem with the man. In another one-third of cases, it is due to a problem with the woman. The remaining cases are caused by a combination of male and female factors or by unknown reasons.-How do I know if I have fertility problems? :There are several ways to find out if you have fertility problems. If you have been trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant for more than 12 months (or for more than 6 months if you are 35 years old or older), it is time to see a doctor for an evaluation. Your doctor will ask about your medical history and give you a physical exam, including a pelvic exam.-What tests can help diagnose fertility problems? :After taking your medical history and doing a physical exam, your doctor may recommend some tests to find out what may be causing your infertility. These may include blood tests-to check hormone levels-and pelvic ultrasounds.-to look at the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.-Your doctor may also recommend that your partner have his sperm checked by a lab..What treatments are available for fertility problems? :Depending upon what is causing your infertility, there are many different treatment options available.. If you would like more information on these or other treatments options,-How do I choose the best treatment option for me?:After learning about all of the treatment options that are available,-What should I expect during treatment?:The side effects of each type of fertility treatment differ depending.

-How can I improve my fertility?

If you are hoping to conceive, you might be wondering what you can do to improve your fertility. There are a few things that can help increase your chances of getting pregnant:

1. Have sex regularly. The more often you have sex, the greater your chances of conceiving. Having sex every other day or every three days is ideal.

2. Time it right. Getting pregnant is all about timing – specifically, timing intercourse around ovulation (when an egg is released from the ovary). The best time to have sex if you’re trying to conceive is during the two days leading up to ovulation and on the day of ovulation itself.

3. Keep track of your cycles. Charting your basal body temperature or using an at-home ovulation predictor kit are both great ways to get a sense for when you’re about to ovulate and plan accordingly. Your cycles may vary in length from month-to-month, so it’s important to keep track over several months before drawing any conclusions about when you tend to ovulate. Once you’ve got a good handle on things, though, this knowledge can help ensure that intercourse takes place at just the right time each month.

After checking their fertility, a couple is relieved to find out that they are still fertile and have many years ahead of them to start a family.