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How To Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight?

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Weight gain is one of the most popular excuses for not giving up smoking. However, the benefits of quitting smoking far outweigh the risk of getting weight, many cigar addicts prefer not to endanger the problem and still smoking.

According to World Health Organization, tobacco is the leading cause of death and it can be prevented. Statistics show that in the world are smoked 20 billion cigarettes a day.

Why we gain weight?

Weight gain after quitting smoking can be caused by two factors:

1. First, we eat more. If you quit, you want to replace this habit and often happens to be replaced by eating. Given that feel better now feeling of smell and taste, sweet foods will become more attractive for you.

2. The second reason is that nicotine increases the rate at the body burns calories. Along with quitting smoking, your body will not burn as many calories.


How can you care for your body?

Here are some tips that will help you in keeping your body fit after giving up smoking:

1. Keep only low-calorie food in the kitchen. Addiction to nicotine is due to the habit of putting something in your mouth. If you change your cigarettes with high-calorie sweets, then those extra pounds should not surprise you. Make sure your are found only around low-calorie food. Opt for fruits and vegetables.

2. Drink plenty of water. Water consumption can help you moisturize, you can have a feeling of fullness and thus helps you eat less. Also, water consumption can help when you feel the need to put something in your mouth, out of cigarettes.

3. Opt for foods high in fiber. There are studies showing that fiber helps to reduce appetite and maintain a feeling of fullness for a longer period of time.

4. Smaller portions. Research conducted so far show that if you use smaller plates and glasses, you tend to eat less.

5. Establish an exercise program! Exercise helps you burn calories and fight against the desire to smoke. In addition, physical activity reduces stress levels, being helpful in the fight against this addiction.

Warning! Smoking not only affects your lungs!

Cardiovascular System – Smoking increases the risk of the following conditions: tachycardia, increased blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, obliterative arteritis, phlebitis, stroke. One of the consequences of smoking is narrowing the blood vessels that carry both oxygen and carbon monoxide.

Digestive System – Smoking increases the risk of certain types of cancer (from the mouth, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, etc.), cavities, gingivitis, stomatitis, colitis, enterocolitis, gastro-duodenal ulcers, chronic hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia.

Endocrine System – In women, smoking can lead to infertility, irregular and painful menstrual cycles, early menopause, osteoporosis, reinforced by different forms of cancer (breast or genital). In men affect sperm quality and sexual function. Testicular cancer is more common in smokers.

Respiratory System- Smokers are at increased risk of bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia and acute respiratory infections. Smoking increases the risk of infection with BK and the development of serious forms of tuberculosis and mortality caused by this disease.

Smoking may favors the emergence of diseases such as skin diseases (especially psoriasis), chronic rheumatism deforming, alopecia, gangrene, decreased immunity. Also, smoking is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease, psychiatric disorders (anxiety, depression or schizophrenia), leukemia.

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