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Camphor – Therapeutic Indications

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Camphor is obtained from the resin of a tree originating in southern China, Cinnamomum camphora, which is related with the cinnamon tree. Camphor tree is a phenomenon of vitality: the tree can reach ages of over two thousand years, reaching fifty feet high, antibiotics and antimicrobial secretions are so powerful that it is practically invulnerable to diseases. Its therapeutic properties and its biological characteristics, are among the oldest and most used drugs in the world.

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Basil (Ocimum basilicum) – Preparation, Cures and Remedies

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Basil is an herb native to India, known and used since three millennia ago and which has enjoyed a rapid spread throughout the world. The Indians say that basil is the plant of Krishna and Vishnu, and they do not go to bed without a branch of basil placed on their chest, designed to take them sleep on heavenly realms. The Romans and later the Italians, considered basil as a grass of love and fertility, being celebrated with festivities and true rituals.

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Swedish Bitter – Natural Remedy

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It was rediscovered two decades ago, with the discovery of the extraordinary book “Health from the Lord’s Pharmacy” by Maria Treben. A remedy said to cure almost any disease. And it was not far from the truth. By the time the miraculous tincture – a veritable “anthology” of healing herbs – proved to have beneficial effects on health, quickly acquired a deserved celebrity. Millions of bottles of the precious elixir, in all sorts of formulas and dilutions were sold annually throughout the world, Swedish Bitter becoming a symbol of the revival. But what is, in fact, the origin of this remedy? Which of the dozens of formulas that are available on the market now is that good?

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Nettles – Useful Therapeutic Indications

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Nettle roots are thin and stretched under the earth as a network, often several feet long (nettles grow in colonies), which is very easy to dig, because it develops in shallow. After digging, the roots are cut – leaving some of them still in the ground to ensure the regeneration – and then quickly washed in a stream of water and allow to dry. Let them fresh or dry in the sun until it becomes brittle, this is a sign that can be stored.

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Castor Oil Plant – Therapeutic Indications

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Castor oil is a medicinal product brought from India to Europe centuries ago. It is used in therapy and is probably the oldest semi-synthetic drug in the world. Castor oil helps in unlocking and enhancing bowel elimination from the body of toxic materials. Then, used externally, is a true elixir for the skin, hair and mucous membranes, with trophic, antimicrobial and antitumor properties.

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