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Lemon – Cool And Very Healthy

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Have you ever wondered the secret of those who don’t visit your doctor or pharmacist too often (and not because they fear)? Here’s one answer: eat one miracle-food every day. If we make a habit of eating at least 2 to 3 lemons each week, we strengthen the immune system, we easily lose weight, we gain more when we fight against cellulite, high cholesterol levels will vanish, will ease the liver mission in filtering toxins, we detoxify the body, etc. Also, this will combat asthenia.

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The 6 Signs Of Pregnancy

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Pregnancy is a special state, characterized by the women’s period in which she holds in the body the product of conception, the baby’s future. Once the task in the whole body and every organ in particular certain changes occur, they are purely physiological and are caused by fetal maturation. Here are the six signs of pregnancy:

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Aloe Vera: An Ancient Secret

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Aloe-Barbadensis-Miller, called Aloe Vera, is a subtropical plant, one of more than 250 species of aloe, known in many countries for its extraordinary therapeutic effects. The name “Aloe” comes from the Arabic word “aloeh” which means “bitter sap crystal” and “Vera” from Latin, due to its very strong therapeutic effect.

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