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Red Beets, A Healing Food Known For Millennia But Ignored In Our Days

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Virtues of natural foods are increasingly being researched in laboratories from the U.S., Britain, France, China and Russia.

Lately, it was confirmed the qualities of red beets for treating diseases like bronchitis, constipation, hemorrhoids, influenza, hypertension, colds, headaches, swelling of the legs, kidney stones, stones and cholecystitis and in some cases even cancer.

Red beet, used as treatment, has a past that is lost in antiquity. In Babylon, Assyria and Iran healers used it so successfully shown in the above diseases, so, red beet roots have grown to be exported with the caravans – like the gold and spices, until the Roman Empire and Greece.

A legend tell that Roman Emperor Tiberius, convinced of the qualities beet, set pay due tribute to the Germanic tribes in crates of beets, for golden bags.

Modern laboratories have confirmed the antioxidant qualities of beet and actions to strengthening the body’s immune system. Beets contain large amounts of iron that combats anemia by betanin, potassium salts on blood pressure, have positive effects on cholesterol, lipid metabolism in liver cells and strengthen the vascular walls.

There is copper content in red beet. Lack of copper in the diet causes early hair loss, bone fractures and disturbances in the activity of the pancreas.

Another important element is zinc, present in large amounts. Because of its presence in food, reproductive organs work well, can increase sexual appetite, it prevents pimples, furunculosis, and hair loss. Lack of zinc affects the sight, and may cause myocardial infarct.

Red beets

All beets contains a large amount of manganese, which protects the liver from adipose dystrophy, lowers blood sugar levels, help fight MS and eliminate excess water from the body. Beets contain iodine, which promotes the metabolism, making it very favorable to people suffering from obesity and inhibit thyroid function.

Perhaps the most interesting qualities of the beets are linked to cancer. Far from claiming that this incurable disease can be cured with beets, is remarkable, however, that the use of beet juice to treat cancer in folk medicine has been practiced for thousands of years. Red pigment from the plant is a main actor in the fight against cancer, thereby prolonging the life of the patient.

Naturally, no one should diagnose his disease by itself, nor should manage their treatments without prescription, whether they are natural. It is wiser to address the doctor, who knows precisely, on a case by case situation when medical treatment is required.

However, the following recommendations and explanations has appeared in Russian media:

Minimum daily dose, of pigment, for cancer, is in a pound of beets, the equivalent of 250-300 ml of juice to be consumed without pause, for life. The pigment is not toxic, does not decay in thermal processing and digestion. Its therapeutic qualities are still preserved after boiling it at 100 degrees Celsius for 2 hours.

Regular consumption of beetroot in any form will normalizes the sick, restores appetite, decrease adverse effects of radiation treatments. It is recommended that beet to be mixed with oatmeal, horseradish, banana, milk or caught.

In the Moscow Oncology Center, patients are prescribed a daily 250 gr of raw beetroot, fine grated, for 3-4 times. If raw beets is not accepted by the patient’s body, it is replaced with 300 ml of juice. After three weeks of administration, patients receive blood tests and was noted improvements in overall health.

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