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What To Eat at Work? – Good Habits of Healthy Eating at Work

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The nutrition imbalances often occur due to lack of time. How many of us give the deserved time and attention for lunch break at work? Between two papers, three fax machines and ten emails we are always tempted for important calls while we are hungry and rushed into a chocolate biscuit, a big slice of pizza “with everything” or a juicy hamburger. These habits of the man working in the office not only that can mess up our metabolism, but can also lead to serious health problems.

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Pears Are Very Good For Our Health

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Nothing can compare to the taste of ripe pears which gives a refreshing effect on patients with fatigue or mental strain, after a long day at work or after a sustained intellectual effort. This is explained by the fact that pears have sedative and calming effects for the nervous system. The fruit is recommended to be consumed as is before meals, is useful in kidney disease, cancer, hemorrhoids and in many other conditions.

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Weigh Loss Cures and Other Health Remedies With Grapes

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It begins with a “warming” period of three days, in which you gradually consume: half a kilo of grapes on the first day, a kilogram on the second day, leading to 1.5 kilograms in the third day. After these days our digestion and metabolism is accustomed with grapes, next is five days, the grape is eaten only as such or as juice. Should be consumed not less than 1.5 kg each day or 1.2 liters of fresh grape juice, the maximum being 3-4 kg or 2.4 liters of grape juice per day. After the last day of cure we gradually start to get used with regular food, but first consuming herbal infusion sweetened with honey and light meals (hot vegetable soups, boiled potatoes), and within 3-4 days we will get to our normal food.

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Wheat Bran – Health From Grains

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Extraordinary medicinal results were obtained by treatment with wheat bran from various serious diseases and obesity / digestive disorders to cancer and other incurable diseases. All this is possible because the B-complex vitamins, magnesium, dietary fiber and enzymes present in a concentration so strong that one kilogram of husk worth more than a handful of expensive drugs. Lets see some of their uses.

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